"""test script for gadfly client and server Usage: This script interacts with the test database generated by gftest.py. To start the server from the directory containing the dbtest directory use: python gfstest.py start THIS WILL ONLY WORK IF YOU CREATED THE test DATABASE IN DIRECTORY dbtest FIRST USING python gftest.py dbtest UNLESS YOU RUN THE SERVER IN THE BACKGROUND THE SERVER WILL HOG THE WINDOW YOU STARTED IT IN AND YOU WILL HAVE TO USE ANOTHER WINDOW UNTIL THE SERVER IS SHUT DOWN (SEE BELOW). Then from *anywhere* (on the same machine) access the database using python gfstest.py restart - restart the server (reread the database) python gfstest.py checkpoint - force checkpoint the server python gfstest.py queries - run some example queries and updates python gfstest.py policy_test - test the policies test and test1 created by the startup function in this module. python gfstest.py bogusshutdown - attempt to shut down the server with a bogus password [should generate an exception] ...and finally python gfstest.py shutdown - shut down the server for real. As mentioned the startup function of this module illustrates how to create a "startup" function for a server and initialize policy objects with named, prepared queries. """ PORT = 2222 DB = "test" DBDIR = "dbtest" PW = "admin" STARTUP = "gfstest" import sys, socket def main(): argv = sys.argv command = argv[1] if command=="start": print "attempting to start the server" from gfserve import Server print "making a server on", PORT, DB, DBDIR, PW, STARTUP S = Server(PORT, DB, DBDIR, PW, STARTUP) print "initializing the server" S.init() print "starting the server", S.connection S.start() elif command=="shutdown": dosimple("shutdown", PW) elif command=="bogusshutdown": print "BOGUS shutdown attempt" dosimple("shutdown", "bad password") elif command=="restart": dosimple("restart", PW) elif command=="checkpoint": dosimple("checkpoint", PW) elif command=="queries": doqueries() elif command=="policy_test": policy_test() else: print "unknown command", command print __doc__ def policy_test(): """test the test1 and test policies""" print "testing non-admin policies test and test1" from gfclient import gfclient import sys machine = socket.gethostname() conn = gfclient("test", PORT, "test", machine) cursor = conn.cursor() print "testing test policy: nan values before:" cursor.execute_prepared("getnan") for x in cursor.fetchall(): print x print "updating nan" cursor.execute_prepared("updatenan", ("pabst", 4)) print "nan after" cursor.execute_prepared("getnan") for x in cursor.fetchall(): print x print "updating nan again" cursor.execute_prepared("updatenan", ("rollingrock", 1)) print "trying an illegal update" try: cursor.execute("delete from frequents") except: print "exception", sys.exc_type, sys.exc_value print "as expected" else: raise "DAMN!", "illegal query apparently completed!!!" print; print "testing policy test1"; print conn = gfclient("test1", PORT, "test1", machine) cursor = conn.cursor() print "getting norm" cursor.execute_prepared("qlike", ("norm",)) print cursor.description for x in cursor.fetchall(): print x print "trying an illegal query again" try: cursor.execute("create table test(name varchar)") except: print "exception", sys.exc_type, sys.exc_value print "as expected" else: raise "Damn!(2)", "illegal query apparently completed" def startup(admin_policy, connection, Server_instance): """example startup script. add a policies test and test1 passwords same test1 is allowed to query the frequents table by name test is allowed to update likes where drinker='nan' also add prepared query dumpwork to admin_policy. """ from gfserve import Policy admin_policy["dumpwork"] = "select * from work" test1 = Policy("test1", "test1", connection, queries=0) test = Policy("test", "test", connection, queries=0) test1["qlike"] = "select * from likes where drinker=?" test["updatenan"] = """ update likes set beer=?, perday=? where drinker='nan' """ test["getnan"] = """ select * from likes where drinker='nan' """ return {"test": test, "test1": test1} def doqueries(): print "executing queries and updates" from gfclient import gfclient import sys machine = socket.gethostname() conn = gfclient("admin", PORT, PW, machine) cursor = conn.cursor() for q in admin_queries: print;print;print q;print try: cursor.execute(q) except: print "exception in execute" print sys.exc_type v = sys.exc_value from types import TupleType, ListType if type(v) in (TupleType, ListType): for x in v: print x else: print v else: print "executed" #print q print "description" print cursor.description print "results" try: r = cursor.fetchall() if r is None: print "no results" else: for x in r: print x except: print "exception in results" print sys.exc_type, sys.exc_value print dir(cursor) # try dumpwork print; print; print "dumpwork"; print cursor.execute_prepared("dumpwork") for x in cursor.fetchall(): print x # try dynamic parameters stat = """ select distinct drinker from likes l, serves s where l.beer = s.beer and s.bar=? """ print; print stat; print "dynamic query ?=cheers" cursor.execute(stat, ("cheers",)) for x in cursor.fetchall(): print x admin_queries = [ """select count(*) from work""", """select * from frequents""", """select count(*) from frequents""", """select count(drinker) from frequents""", """insert into frequents(drinker, bar, perweek) values ('sally', 'cheers', 2)""", """select * from frequents""", """select syntax error from work""", """select drinker, count(bar) from frequents group by drinker""", ] def dosimple(command, pw): print "attempting remote %s (%s) for server on local machine" % (command, pw) from gfclient import gfclient machine = socket.gethostname() conn = gfclient("admin", PORT, pw, machine) action = getattr(conn, command) print action() if __name__=="__main__": main()