Stochastic Ray Tracing

Stochastic Ray Tracing in action.

Stochastic raytracing accommodates several different methods like path tracing, final gathering and a photon map second pass. Several options influence accuracy of the solution (and required computation time) and can be tuned for particular types of scenes.

Stochastic Ray Tracing Control Panel

Pixel sampling

Radiance Contributions

These options control usage of precomputed radiance solutions (Radiosity or Photon Map) and direct light calculations (i.e. shadow rays)

Light sampling

All lights is best, but slowest. Recommended when there are just a few lights in the scene. Importance based is good when there are many lights, but not too much occlusion. Power based is an overall performer.

Surface scattering

Controls how reflected or refracted light is computed. Some options cannot be combined. Option overriding is printed as a warning to the console.

Page maintained by the RenderPark web team
Last update: October 31, 2000